best guide to stop masturbation

before reading this guide i just want to tell you that if you find this site helpful , help the site with your like on facebook to spread the message and help other people who want to stop masturbation.

My story with masturbation addiction

I have been addicted to masturbation for a long time. Years passed without being able to find a solution to this masturbation and porn addiction. I tried almost everything, but no long term result. I was like stopping masturbation for a week, but then again I come back to it every time.

But as they say, who keep searching, he will find something at the end. And just like that I kept trying to find a solution for this addiction, even I was always addicted, but I did not give-up. When you give-up you lose, this is the reality.

I’m happy now to announce to you that I’m not addicted to masturbation anymore. I’m living my life normally without any addiction; I’m feeling the freedom of living like others, thinking like others, being natural. These are the things that you miss when you are addicted to masturbation. And since you are reading my book, I’m sure that you understand what I’m saying, because you are living the same nightmare and you want to stop it, you want to call the real life to come to you, freedom, happiness, everything single good thing in this life can change your life to the next positive level which can bring you success and realize your dream life.

In next chapter you are going to discover what I did to stop masturbation in just few days after a long time of addiction. You do not need to worry about masturbation addiction anymore. Follow what I tell you in this book and I guarantee to you that if you absorb all what I tell you 100% in the next chapters, then you will be able to do the same I did and stop masturbation addiction forever and bring back your real life that you deserve.



Decision is everything in life. It’s the most important step that makes difference between people who are in top level and people who are down. It’s the key for success.

When I was masturbating, I was always giving some decisions to stop masturbation here and there. But it was not a decision that can make a difference. It was not serious that’s why I could not see any changes in my situation. Decided and then come back to the same thing you are addicted to, cannot change anything.

I’m telling you that because I feel now how the powerful decision can make the difference. When I look back now to my past and my previous addiction and decisions, i can say that the last decision to stop masturbation addiction was very strong and powerful and honest. This is very important, because honest decision comes from the heart with emotions, and this will always be powerful and make changes in your life.

So the first thing I did is to feel my decision with all my emotions. And work hard to make the result of my decision appear to my eyes.

And now because you read that now, you do not have any excuse to make a decision, I just explain to you how to make a real and powerful decision that makes changes in your life.

Remember: honest decision= success.

        Applying the auto-stop-masturbation method

First thing I want you to do is to bring a pen and a paper, write on it this:

<<I stopped masturbation forever. I will never come back to it again>>

Bring now another paper and write on it this:

<< a winner never quits, a loser never win>>

Put the two papers in front of you in your room or in a place where you can see them often when you wake up or when you sleep. You should do that and take it seriously.

Now let me explain to you why you should do this first step:

Well did you know that our brain is a machine, we can program it like we want. But the main idea of the brain we have is that the functional system is based on repetition.


When it comes to desire, everyone desires something special for him. We keep our desire to things we love and want in this life. And when it comes to make a relation between stopping masturbation addiction and desire we can find great relation.

It supposed to be like that: you desire to stop masturbation, so you can stop it.

It’s like that, but in the perfect meaning and the other complimentary things you should do to make your desire real and appearing in your real life.

Honest desire is what makes people achieve success. I’m sure that you heard this from successful people: “I have been always dreaming and desiring what I got now”.

But where are the others who did not succeed? And why they did not?

Let me ask you something: why until now you did not stop masturbation and porn addiction until now?

Let me tell you why: you have doubt in your mind mixed with desire, but your doubt is much more powerful in your mind than your desire

You have to eliminate fear and doubt from your mind and spirit, take the courage, and replace all these negative things with positive things like desire and confidence.

                                      Negative attitude

I know that maybe you are saying, what’s the relation between negative attitude and masturbation.

Well, from my own experience I can tell you that masturbation brings you negative attitude, and this is the main reason why you do it again and again.

Negative attitude can never bring you happiness. Remember that

Try to be positive, let me give you an example I did to switch from negative to positive and it helped me a lot to stop masturbation addiction.

When I was waking up every day, I was saying: thanks god for health you gave me, thanks for food I’m eating, thanks for …………………………etc.

When you stay positive, you are keeping your mind away from negative ideas of masturbation, and it helps you a lot to think about new other things rather than thinking about masturbation and looking at porn

                                   Definite purpose

Having a purpose of achieving something in our mind is very important. That’s why you need to fix in your mind the exact purpose which is stop masturbation addiction.

And you should not stop at this point only, but you need to give something back to achieve your purpose and your goal. It can be a work done or something else.

In your situation of masturbation addiction you have to respect these steps I’m giving you and make a little effort yourself, this can be enough to make you stop masturbation in no time believe me.

So I’m asking you now to fix your goal of stopping your masturbation addiction, and I’m asking you the important thing which is the respect of the steps I’m telling you in this book. And beside the purpose and the work you should do, there is also the plan that you should follow to be able to achieve your goal. In this book I give you so far almost all the plan ready to apply, but again you need to add your plan to this plan in this book depend on your situation , where you live, what you work, your time.

But again you should not make excuses to your situation, stay focus in your plan and do not let the distraction of negative thoughts of masturbation come to your head and beat you down again, this is the trick you should avoid as much as you can at the beginning.

Fixing goal, doing the needed work, and creating the plan are not enough, you are missing something which is the most important thing that makes different between who stopped and who did not stop masturbation addiction. It’s what we call the act now.

You need to start applying the method and act, and not only read without doing anything.

Now let me tell you last thing you should do to accomplish the perfect recipe. Fix a definite date, this will help you a lot to rush in the process of stopping masturbation addiction. When I started to applying my method, I said: after a week from now, I will be done from masturbation addiction.

And guess what!!  5 days after, I stopped totally thinking about masturbation. Simply like that believe it or not. so fix a date and this will make a challenge for you , and remember when you make a challenge you have to win, because you are a winner, and a winner never lose.

                                   After method

Now after starting the auto-stop-masturbation method, you need to keep in mind that you need to avoid many things to make sure that the method will work for you.

My method is not magic, so be ware, I’m not giving you a magic formula, but I’m making you a very effective method that can help you 70 % or 80 %, the rest will depend on you.

And to achieve the 100% of this formula, you need to be persistent. You should keep going further and not looking back. Forget your past with masturbation. When an idea comes to your head telling you to masturbate, say no, say it loud, tell yourself that you are a new person now and you will never lose because you are a winner, and a winner never quit.

Persistence is important to maintain the method. Let me give you an example, see the plane, the most important step is the beginning of the flight when the plane is penetrating the air vertically, but when it arrives to the point to be horizontally established everything will be easier and smoother after. Stopping masturbation addiction is like that, first you need a little bit of work and a lot of persistence and patient to maintain the focus and the will of stopping masturbation, and after you will never even think about masturbating again, I guarantee to you that from my own experience, because I’m just a human like you, and just like I stopped it, you can stop it also easily, even faster than I did, because now you have the formula between your hand, so courage and be powerful.

          Resume of the auto-stop-masturbation method 

Now let me give you a list of the things you should do, it’s the resume of what I said to you in the previous paragraphs:

1.    Believe that you have the ability to achieve your goal

2.    Realize and believe that the dominating ideas in your mind will seek expression through     practical meaning of attaining the thing you desire through the auto-suggestion system.

3.    Say loudly that you will never get down and that you will never stop trying until you develop self-confidence and achieve your goal.

4.    Eliminate hatred and negative attitude because it never brings you happiness, instead, replace it with positive ideas that have relation with success and happiness and joy.

5.    Fix your mind on stopping masturbation addiction

6.    Set a definite date when you intend to achieve your goal and stop masturbation

7.    Create a plan for carrying out your desire and begin immediately weather you are ready or not.( avoid porn).

8.    write all these steps in a paper or put it in your tablet, and read it every day and every night twice or three time and believe it and imagine yourself stopping masturbation in the right time you fixed before and make it feel real in your mind with strong emotions of happiness and joy and success. This is how it works (important step).

Tools i Recommend 

Here are few tools you can  use to help you pass this crisis, i really found them helpful as other people too.  we all know that no matter what you are trying to solve in your life you definitely need some tools to help you and feed your brain with positive energy.

1-  Premature Ejaculation

i know for fact that masturbation addiction causes premature ejaculation for the long run , so here is a guide on how to recover and be a normal man again . Click Here

2- Goal Achievement and Habit Building

it’s crucial how we can develop a habit doing it again and again, but bad habits!!! oh man! so hard to get rid of them. it feels almost like your habit owns you at a point and starts controlling your thoughts , becoming a slave of your own bad habit, will only lead to bad things in life. so for that, you need to learn how to build good habits and keep track of them. there are all kind of software on the internet to help you do that. but this is software i discovered, i can say it’s the best as far as i have seen.  i highly recommend it , it will help you a lot. do not compare product’s prices.  you can not compare a price of a T-Shirt to a price of product designed to help you to improve. be aware of this psychology. people spend 5$ everyday on their coffee instead of buying books and products and help them achieve their goals.  Click Here to See

3- Body Language

people with porn and masturbation addiction develop this habit of being isolated and being alone. that’s where they start masturbating, they can never do that around people. so after stopping masturbation, you need to adjust to the normal people body language if you wanna get a girl and talk normal. i highly recommend reading this cheap but very valuable studies and guide on psychology to understand your behavior better. Click Here 

4- Fitness to get better

you have train to develop this habit of doing something useful 3 times a week at least. i know you can go on youtube and see all kind of fitness programs, but hey!! we all know no body watch them. you know why? because they are free and free information does not actually count for people, they take it for granted, you have to buy things to be serious in doing them, that’s how it works,  people get free shit everyday , they put it aside and they say the famous word: i will do that later when i have time.  but when you pay, actually you say i will do that now because i paid for it and i want my money worth it. Click Here

5- Time Management 

Free Time = masturbation & porn. for that reason you need to focus on maintaining a good schedule of time to break bad habits. Try this product it’s excellent and it will help you without doubt Click here 


       Also you can use help of this great help that i think will help you overcome all these obstacles of addiction, this is a product that’s designated for people who suffer from these kind of problems. Take a look at it and i highly recommend it as i have seen good results of it . Get it Here 

I hope that this guide will help you to achieve your goal of stopping masturbation like it did with me and other people. It’s your turn now to be powerful and keep maintaining the method to succeed with it. I wish you all the great things in life and I wish you to achieve your goals and succeed and be you, the real you with positive ideas and positive thoughts. dont forget to like the page on Facebook

214 Responses to best guide to stop masturbation

  1. salimolive says:

    Dam how hard it is 😢 I am going to do my best . Pray for me please. And thank you for the useful advice

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nick says:

    Gosh mate that a good post. Thanks for your honesty and ideas. It can be so annoying living with an addiction you can’t get control over. Glad to here to have. I’ve started a blog on the same subject


  3. #Michael says:

    Guyz am short of words….
    Am cryng seiously coz i cant stop dis masturbation….
    But i think d best thing for us 2 do Is to accept christ as our lord,he will kill dat urge and give us everlasting freedom…He will remind us of his word anytime the urge comes up….


  4. zorro says:

    Guys,please help me to quit masturbation.I was addicted to it from past 3 years.Whenever i try to quit it lasts only for 4(or)5 days max.I want to do it forever and i’m not feeling real sex.
    So,could you help me.


  5. Raiden Little says:

    thank you


  6. Jay says:

    thanks for your article, from today henceforth I want to put a stop to this bad habit, it has affected me in all areas of life, academics, my ability to feel happy with myself, I will no longer be a slave to this bad habit!!!!


  7. ephraim says:

    helpfull indeed got to do it


  8. Stopmastu says:

    The ideas are really really great but i am in a fear can i follow it? Please pray for me so that i can follow your valuable ,valuable advice ,u know what i feel after masturbating ,i feel very bad about myself ,now i realise that for few minutes of pleasure i am doing an evil deed , the main problem that happens to me is that i have a severe headache and lose my concentration to a greater extent and unable to study ,i also feel very weak and isolated , i also feel like that there is nobody to help me but at last i found out that you are there for me …. Thank you very much bro thank’s for ur awesome advice i’ll try my label best to follow it please pray for me


  9. Judex Jr says:

    dope advice.


  10. ls says:

    That ‘s a good idea and a thing make me so confidence. But , I try stopped masturbate on 30 dec and now is 4 dec . I try to stopped masturbate for 5 days already , but today i can ‘t control and i start to do the thing . I think so it is so hard in 5 days maybe its take 1year if we have a confidence. If we have MORE confindence we can stop this hell life soon


  11. Prashant says:

    For how many days do you have addicted to this habit


  12. Prashant says:

    Please reply


  13. dipendra says:

    Dud i promice me that i will never do it again means never never never


  14. Bumrah says:

    When I trying to stop masturbation the cum going with urine what can I do pls help me


  15. Deepak says:

    I feel guilty all the time I masturbrate and I wish to quit this habit but I the only thing that keeps pulling me to this habit is after my crush rejected me when I proposed after this I couldn’t get over that issue and it kept nagging me

    But ur article has given me the strength to forget the past and move forward
    I don’t how much I can go but I believe in myself


  16. Emmanuel boateng says:

    Tanx for this post.I really like it


  17. Timothy Odiba says:

    i have been masturbating since 13 and i find ur book encouraging.
    I have been strugling to redeem myself but no result.
    But now by God’s grace i belive i will stop masturbation.Thanks


  18. sara says:

    I will stop masturbating form today 28/02/2016


    • Meek says:

      Were you able to quit masturbation…. And I’m still entangled in the act and don’t know how to stop… Pls help me pls


  19. samuel says:

    this is the best brother, i say no more masturbation from today onwords.
    thank you very much brother, let me normalize my nature


  20. Aditya says:

    I was not able to concentrate and suffering from headache …but now I will stop it totally…after that I can concentrate on my IIT entrance exam..
    It’s all be happening due to your suggestion ….
    It helped me for both…-my exams and to avoid bad habbits….
    thanks a lot sir..


  21. Thank for the advice


  22. I’m a free boy now


  23. joshua says:

    Thanks a lot brother your book is really helpful to me.
    I apply all the method and I go like 19 days without mastubaion and letter relaps, its my fault because I fail to carry one method along the way and that is to forget my past with masturbation and never look back..
    This time around am determine to quit this self destructive addiction with all my heart.
    I won’t go back to masturbation anymore…
    I wish I can have your contact for more guides.
    From Nigeria


  24. Lucas Erisson says:

    I hope it will really help me. Thank you very much


  25. gm says:

    Very good bro now it is my last day of masturbation 13.3.2017….
    Really right is decision at right time is necessary…
    thank you for your advices
    I appreciate you on this…


  26. James Gardezi says:

    I’m so happy I came across this article. I’ve tried many alternative methods to quit my addiction but always ended up failing. This article resignated with me in a different way and I’m hoping I like you can one day leave another message on this board and tell you all that I am free of my addiction and have won back my life. from Thursday the 16th of March 2017 I will completely stop viewing Pornography and masturbating.


  27. gm says:

    Masturbation causes weak body, cheeky face, weak eye sight, graying of hair, less weight, fatigue, general weakness, constipation, less appetite, non-erection, low libido, nightfall and
    Feeling tired all the time
     Lower back pain
     Thinning hair / Hair Loss
     Soft / Weak Erection
     Premature Ejaculation
     Eye floaters or fuzzy vision
     Groin / Testicular Pain
     Pain or cramp

    try hard to Skip this bad habit as soon as possible. it will destroy your future when you will realize that you have destroy your life by yourself
    take decision now…
    if you say you will automatically skip this in future then you can’t do it
    it is like a drug addiction in fact worse than drug addiction… so plz take a honest decision it is right time
    Best of luck…


  28. victor says:

    tanks for d advice


  29. victor says:

    pray dat God will help me 2stop dis mess


  30. fadhil says:

    these two steps im deadly enough to fall on them. soon am done with this addiction .


  31. Matthew james says:

    Thank you for this article. It has help
    Me alot. On a scale of 1 to 10. I give
    You ten. As you can see this article was
    Written from experience.


  32. aditya says:

    The advice which were mention above is very much useful. Masturbation is truly a bad habit. And by reading the above stanzas one thing strikes in my mind is that we have to make an time shaedule. Bcozz we only masturbate when we are free or lonely.


  33. jabit says:

    I am two much tired from this habit my studey my bodey my netcher my rilestions all are demaged critically I trying to out of this last 2 years every 3rd day I do this against my permission please help me. .


  34. PM says:

    I stopped masturbation forever!!! I will never come back to it again !!!
    “a winner never quits, a loser never win”


  35. Killjoe says:

    thanks so much Am done with this disguisting stuff. 10/07/17.


  36. Saueed says:

    you’ve all said it all:)
    One TOP way to deal with masturbation is to COMPLETELY! quit viewing pornography.

    Believe me, pornography is a GREAT tool for masturbation and a device of the devil. Porn stars are ALL devices and agents of Satan.

    Quit pornography, quit masturbation.


  37. Saueed says:

    you’ve all said it all:)
    One TOP way to deal with masturbation is to COMPLETELY! quit viewing pornography.

    Believe me, pornography is a GREAT tool for masturbation and a device of the devil. Porn stars are ALL devices and agents of Satan.

    Quit pornography, quit masturbation.


  38. Manoj chetty says:

    Guys please pray for me that I will stop masturbating ….


  39. Bon says:

    Thank you


  40. rohit says:

    hey friends my name rohit and I m also addicated by masturbation since 2005 and I can’t be drop I m too much addicated from mastrabation and some time I thought that I want to die but I m not guts to die


  41. Parvez Alam says:

    Thank you so much for sharing such an informative and useful post.


  42. jameshood says:

    thanks bro for the big advice and taking your time,from now on, i pray to God am gonna stop these mess,8.02.2018 @10.30.22 i quit


  43. skeches says:

    Thanks buddy and i surrender. henceforth, and with faith based on your article i say bye bye to masturbation.


  44. Francis says:

    Nothing is easy to achieve in life, we can only achieve by putting effort and believing we would do it from this day I would keep off masturbation for the rest of my life !!


  45. Masterbution says:

    Thanks very much sir giving best information about masterbution and how to stop masterbution


  46. Galata says:

    I mastubate by 5 day….From this day i stop doing that (13/06/2018)


  47. David says:

    Ur really doing a great job..ur advice helpd me in a way I can’t do it AGAIN and I will never….Thnks anyway…God bless u Mightly..


  48. Sayandip Bhunia says:

    I start your method from now, sir.
    Yes I am a winner


  49. Solomon says:

    Thanks for such a woderful post. My promise to you is that i will stop this evil today (18/07/2018) and that you post must have an effect in my life. God bless you.


  50. NSG says:

    I will stop masturbation right now and never to come back to it again throughout my life here on earth. I wish you the best.


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